Every Door Direct Mail: Great Marketing Campaign for Small Business Owners

Every Door Direct Mail or EDDM is a revolutionary and progressive new program that was created by the United States Postal service to help assist small business owners with more cost-effective marketing campaigns. Prior to the advent of this service, direct mail was an advertising effort that could not be afforded by most small business or self-employed entrepreneurs due to all of the costs associated with mailing marketing materials. With EDDM there is a fixed cost per each postcard. The purchase of a list of mailing addresses or postage stamps is completely removed from this cost. Instead, businesses are offered the ability to purchase bulk materials at a fixed rate and provided with the ability to select a local region where they intend to send an EDDM postcard to every mailing address listed within that area. There is no longer a need for individual addresses to be specifically printed on each postcard, instead the marketing materials are distributed to every mailing address in the area selected by the business owner.

This approach to direct mail has made the whole process a lot simpler and much more affordable for small business owners who do not have a lofty budget to spend on advertising campaigns. There are plenty more great aspects to this program, like having the ability to control when your mail with arrive to each mailbox. In other words, you are in charge of your own mail preparation, not a mail house. There is also no fee for each piece of mail you send, which was the primary reason so many businesses could not afford to use direct mail as a marketing strategy in the past. The mail also comes in a specific size which allows it dominate the mail in the mailbox, because it is much larger than other typically sized mail. It is also tangible and customers are capable of retaining your advertisement for later. Unlike online marketing campaigns or email marketing strategies, where consumers can quickly delete your advertisement or filter you into their spam folder, an EDDM postcard is a large tangible piece of your business that rests in the hands of the consumer.

Get more info at http://www.milliondollarwiki.com/Postcard_Marketing#Direct_Mail_Postcards_Target_Your_Audience.

For every small business owner, there is no reason not to use theEDDM mail service. It is cost effective and simple to use. It is one of the best methods to get your business' name and services out there into the hands of your current or potential consumers. So start searching for a printing company today and get your personally designed flyers into your target audience!