Every Door Direct Mail: How it Operates

Recently developed and launched by the United States Postal Service, the Every Door Direct Mail program or EDDM, has completely revolutionized the way in which small businesses distribute tangible marketing materials to their target audience. It was initially designed to help increase the mailing industry, in addition to helping to reduce the amount of money it cost for smaller business owners to send advertisements to local residents. Now small business owners and self-employed entrepreneurs are capable of creating a flyer or postcard advertising their services or special offers, and then selecting a region in which they would like it to mailed to every address in that specific area.

Get info on direct mail at http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/direct-mail.

To elaborate further, one of the quickest ways to begin an EDDM marketing routine is to locate a company that provides direct mail printing. Once the business owner has determined which printing company they will work with, they must then figure out where their target demographic is located.

Please note, there are many companies online who offer a targeting tool that allows you to enter the address of your business which will then display a map of the various postal routes or neighborhoods that are located near or within proximity of your business. You simply select the regions where you would like your EDDM or flyers to be distributed.

After this step has been completed and you have chosen the areas you want to target, an instant count of the number of homes and businesses is revealed. The number of addresses listed is how many flyers you will need to purchase in order to move forward with distribution. First, the flyer must be designed and this can typically be done with an company, who is capable of providing you with a high-end design that comes with the mailing campaign order. Business owners will work with the designers to develop the flyer for distribution.

Once the design is completed and approved, they will then be sent off by the printing company to the post office for distribution to your mailing campaign order area. It is important that businesses make sure to account for all current and potential customers that will be acquired as a result of direct mailing efforts.

This marketing strategy has proven to be incredibly effective for many businesses, not only because of its low fixed cost and large reach, but the amount of leads that are generated as a result of the mailing campaign. It is an opportunity no business should pass up.